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Bambuddha is truly a reflection of the fascinating and inspiring, yet very complicated life of her founder John Moon. Every detail found in the village has a story of its own and every piece has been thoughtfully selected, collected and brought to Bambuddha from the world’s most distant places by John Moon on his endless travel adventures.

The venue boasts intimate bars, where you can sip on incredible cocktails, made with freshly prepared ingredients. “Flirtinis” and “Foreplays” amid ancient erotic artifacts and plush furnishings, to the sound of resident DJs. The outdoor oriental sanctuaries are perfect for balmy summer evenings and the Moonlight Lounge pagoda provides an exclusive setting for memorable VIP parties.

Our three Pirate Buddhas – representing Tolerance, Freedom and Respect – are a female, a transexual and a male, showing the diversity of human sexuality. They are of different colours representing many spiritual beliefs. They are sitting at a bar, suggesting one of life’s many possible journeys in our individual struggles towards peace and love. They are meditating on the White Light of Consciousness and the Buddha that each of us once was, when we were born, and could be again.

Bambuddha has always been pioneering and unorthodox.

Our Asian style of serving – ”sharing” and “food as it’s ready” – replaces the more formal European “starters and mains”, allowing you to enjoy a closer connection with each other while tasting a wider selection of dishes.

This ancient dining concept, which is modernised by Bambuddha, aims to bring back the dining experience to the heart of the family and social gatherings.
