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Slingshot Ibiza

In the heart of San Antonios nightlife, close to two of ibizas biggest clubs. Whether you wish to look at the ocean view during the day or ride at night amongst all the mayhem and fun of the fair.

Speeds of 0 to 160km/h in 1.3 seconds, 72 meters into the air. you'll never experience anything like it again. and if you want to experience you moment over and over again you can do so with a DVD or USB copy of your ride.

Open from 12pm to 4am. Purchase tickets on the day.

1 person: 25€ 2 people: 50€ 1 video: 15€ 1 T-Shirt: 12€


Slingshot Ibiza  - Gallery image
Slingshot Ibiza  - Gallery image
Slingshot Ibiza  - Gallery image
Slingshot Ibiza  - Gallery image